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Bromeliad Cultivar Register

 436 Results

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (2672) 2016-03-30

GUZMANIA ‘Orangeade’ DeMeyer 1973

-DeMeyer said, "10 to 25 lanceolate leaves in graceful rosette - 60 cm long by 3.5-5.5 cm wide - plant 80-90 cm across - leaves upper is yellow green - underside is green - base is striped/spotted w/purple - bracts orange-red and shiny - diameter of 20-30 cm w/clusters of 6-10 yellow flowers - in bloom for months" There is also a variegated form.

Seed Parent: lingulata Pollen Parent: wittmackii
Reg. Doc. 1977, JBS 27:241ill, 288ill; 33:264; 45:116, Baensch 178ill,180ill, ColorBrom 64, 65ill