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Bromeliad Cultivar Register

 436 Results

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (2618) 2016-04-09

GUZMANIA ‘Mini Exodus’ Corn. Bak / DeMeyer* 1969

A cultivar derived from 'Exodus' in moderate size w/upper rosette leaves blending to red and with bright red scape and primary bracts - yellow flowers form a strong contrast. Kramer said, "A compact 24" rosette of green leaves w/a slightly raised fiery red flower crown w/yellow flowers - superlative house plant".
Country of origin: Netherlands

Seed Parent: Insignis Pollen Parent: lingulata
SUP-ICBH-1985, JBS 29:169,170ill; Baensch 180,181ill, BromKramer 53+ill; 112ill