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Bromeliad Cultivar Register

 436 Results

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (2504) 2011-09-29

GUZMANIA ‘Fortuna’ Luther, H.+* (Deroose) <1990

cv. of Guzmania lingulata (Panama) - Tropiflora said, "Native to the misty cloud forest covered mountain peaks of northern Panama where it remained an elusive treasure for years - A medium sized 16" high and 18" wide grower w/discolored leaves having a purple cast - the inflorescence is a massive rosette of fluorescent red bracts each tipped in clear white". Lingulata Group

Seed Parent: lingulata
JBS 40:240ill; 45:115, CargoRpt#6-5, DeLeonCat1994ill, Deroose 1997