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Bromeliad Cultivar Register

 436 Results

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (2500) --

GUZMANIA ‘Fleur D'Anjou’ DeMeyer, H. <1972

cv. of danielii? X lingulata or possibly cv. of lingulata X squarrosa? - Very large European cultivar to over 30" tall w/color lasting 6-8 weeks - shiny reddish green ridged and grooved leaves in tight rosette w/upper leaves blending into rosy-red then into yellow in the uppermost bracts - the 10" wide inflorescence is large, torch-like and vividly colored red, pink and yellow.

Seed Parent: danielii? Pollen Parent: lingulata
BSI-ICBH-1979, JBS 45:115, Baensch 176,177ill, KentCat1972, HerbHill1984, NJB1976, PineapplePl 96