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Bromeliad Cultivar Register

 436 Results

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (2416) --

GUZMANIA ‘Attila’ Corn. Bak <1991

cv. of wittmackii X dissitiflora? sprucei?- Large gracefully arching dark green rosette w/heavy branched inflorescence w/red floral bracts and yellow blooms. Note: JBS article errs in citing Spivey as hybridizer - The illustration in Bak's 1994 catalog shows a mostly wittmackii plant w/watermelon coloration?

Seed Parent: wittmackii Pollen Parent: dissitiflora? sprucei?
JBS 44:13,14ill, CornBakCat1994ill, DeLeonCat1995, PineapplePl 96