NEOREGELIA ‘Silverado’ |
Coolbaugh, C. |
1978 |
cv. of johannis (rubra) X 'Takemura Grande' - Large wide leafed flat rosettes in dull green w/amethyst haze overcast resulting in silvery cast - dark purple spots and bars - 30+ wide rounded leaves - leaf tips are pinched into a heart shaped form - Bromeliad Treasury said, "The 20" diameter vase shaped rosette is formed by 4" x 14" plum colored leaves that are so covered by silvery scales that they look like gunmetal - leaf backs are silvery plum - leaf tips splotched but not covered in reddish-maroon - more open rosette than 'Takemura Grande' w/black spines".see also notes under 'Grande Silverado'
Takemura Group
Seed Parent: johannis (rubra) |
Pollen Parent: Takemura Grande |
JBS 29:266, Grande 1:1FCill, Zaghini 28ill, JimRoy1981, MB1998, BromTreasury1983, GolinskiVideo1997 |