Mature large rosette up to 1 metre diameter x 40cm. high. Glossy, leathery, lightly-spined leaves have purplish red tones with darker red / plum purple concentric cross-banding, indicative of N. concentrica in its parentage.The centre blushes amethyst purple at blooming. The other likely parent of that vintage is N. 'Fosperior' or 'Dexter's Pride' or 'Vulkan'. June Bennett, formerly of Gordonvale, north Queensland, imported this cultivar about 1982, but the source, breeder's name, cultivar name and exact parentage remain unknown, despite recent enquiries in Hawaii and Florida. This neoregelia direct from June's import has been grown by Peter Sargent from the Whyanbeel Arboretum at Miallo, north Queensland for over 25 years as N. 'Whyanbeel Wonder'. Reg. Doc. 11/2015 by Marina Gurtzis. Country of origin: ?