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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


Bromeliad Cultivar Register (17776) 2024-08-05

xDYCKCOHNIA ‘Idrozoara’ Santagata, Luigi circa 2020

Mature open rosette to 56cm diameter x 30cm high. The rigid recurving leaves are bronzed green to dark burgundy, depending on sunlight intensity, .The foliage reverse is heavily scurfed and red-lined. Hooked, spaced, brown- tipped yellow spines. recurving to 3mm long. Numerous offsets at the base. Long, erect, branched spike to 1,1 metres,tall with orange bell- shaped flowers. The lateral branches reach 35cm long, with continuous flowering over time. Reg. Doc. 4/2024.
Country of origin: Italy

Seed Parent: Dyckia estevesii Pollen Parent: Deuterocohnia longipetala