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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (11923) 2013-12-26

TILLANDSIA ‘Fasciculata Group’

Ever since Lyman Smith published Flora Neotropica Part II in 1977 we have seen Nurserymen giving names to special forms of T. fasciculata which had been found in the wild. There are also plants from private collections that have not been formally identified as well as hybrids within the complex. Some have been registered, some not. It is difficult to link these names with some of the new species described since 1977, because botanists rarely refer to cultivar names or nurseryman’s names in their notes. Therefore it is possible that these cultivar names are part of the following species. We leave you to decide! Tillandsia fasciculata complex according to Brian Sidoti and Kenneth Cameron at Monocots Conference 2013. acostae, beutelspacheri, compressa, copalaensis, fasciculata, fasciculata v clavispica, fasciculata v densispica, fasciculata v densispica forma alba, fasciculata v venosispica, flavobracteata, grossispicata, gunther-nolleri?, hubertiana, inopinata, kuzmae, jalisco-monticola, magnispica, marabascoensis, polita, rhomboidea, rodrigueziana, rothii, rotundata trelawniensis, welzii , zoquensis. This entry 12/2013 by D Butcher