From Shelldance Nursery CA
Note added 2/2012. Questions asked at a Brom Soc of South Australia meeting about the odd looking inflorescence suggests this may be a xNeotanthus hybrid. There is no proof but doubt was expressed in Andrew Steen’s book 'Bromeliads - the Connoisseur's guide', published 2007, in comments made on page 230. - “some people think it may be an intergeneric cross between a Neoregelia and a Cryptanthus. However, I suspect that it is simply an extreme variation of 'Fairy Paint’. While this is unusual, it is not unheard of, with N. 'Burnsie's Spiral' being one fairly common example. These types of plant almost never flower but continue to put out new leaves, eventually forming a stem that may reach 50cm or more in height. I have a tissue culture sport of N. 'Purple Star' which is almost identical in form and appearance to N. Shelldance, the only difference being in the colour.”
We will leave this as a Neoregelia because that is how it appears in collections throughout Australia Country of origin: ?