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Bromeliad Cultivar Register


A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L. M. N. O. P. Q. R. S. T. U. V. W. X. Y. Z.

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (4576) 2015-02-25

NEOREGELIA ‘Larnach's Glorious’ Larnach, R. <1990

(See 'Aussie Dream') - A smaller and more compact form to 12"-16" retaining the good variegation and red blotching - has total pink overlay. Originally in Register as ' Glorious' but name amended to differentiate from the other 'Glorious'.Tricolor Group.
Country of origin: N.S.W. Australia

Seed Parent: Meyendorffi (variegated) Pollen Parent: Marie
Bromeletter 1994 1:5, Butcher1997, Larnach 1998