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Bromeliad Cultivar Register

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (261) 2020-07-23

AECHMEA ‘Grey Ghost’ ? (Moore, Lee.*) circa 1960

Wild-collected cultivar of Aechmea chantinii, tubular or funnel-form growth. to 1 metre tall in flower with fine, dense, black spines. Highly-scurfed, grey / silvery white leaves, sometimes with a purplish caste. Some dark cross-banding on pups' lower leaves but this tends to dissipate as the rosette matures. Typical Ae. chantinii erect, compactly-branched inflorescence of scarlet scape bracts, yellow ovaries and creamy yellow flowers. Chantinii Group.
Country of origin: Peru

Seed Parent: chantinii
Lee Moore Cat 1963, PineapplePl 81, MB1998