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Bromeliad Cultivar Register

 207 Results

Bromeliad Cultivar Register (6845) 2015-05-01

NEOREGELIA ‘Rosy Fireball’ Skotak C (Dura Flor), Deroose* 1989

Small rosette to 20cms. diameter. Bronze green leaves flushed pink in strong light and marginated pink. Centre flushes pinkish red at blooming. Stolons to 15cms. long. 'This cultivar was originally named by the breeder as 'Rosi Fireball' after the Dura Flor Nursery lady Rosi who tended this newly-bred cultivar, but popular usage saw this name evolve to 'Rosy Fireball' . Often mistaken by growers for N. Donger (which has no blooming cup colour) and vice versa. Grex siblings = N. Zoe, Gorrion. This entry corrected 8/2013.
Country of origin: Costa Rica

Seed Parent: {(carolinae lineated x Fireball) x Fireball } Pollen Parent: Fireball
Deroose Website 9/2003